From Tohellwithit is a new series I'll be updating periodically with my optimistic pessimistic thoughts on life, love, and all the monotonous annoyances that ruffle my feathers. Through it I hope to amuse a few readers and provide myself a therapeutic outlet. Enjoy!
I love driving around and seeing the sights of Maui.
I hate how the locals drive.
If you ever come to a stop light in Maui, wait a few seconds after the light turns green before you actually go, otherwise you run the risk of getting T-boned by what I have affectionately come to call "a complete moron."
It took me a while to figure this out. I'd be at an intersection three or four cars back. The light would turn green, but nobody would move.
"Move!" I'd say while lifting my hands up off the steering wheel, the universal gesture for, What in God's name are you people doing?
Then one day while approaching an intersection I watched the light turn red as I slowed to a stop, but the car ahead of me plowed through.
"He just ran a red light!" I declared to my wife. "That light turned red looong before he reached the white line. What a complete moron!"
Running red lights is so common in Maui that the locals have learned once a light turns green you need to wait a few seconds just in case there's a red light runner.
Too bad the cost of living in paradise has to be common sense.
From the blissful state of Tohellwithit,

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